Update: On 26 June, the European Committee of the Regions adopted an official opinion on the proposal that the European Commission made on the roadmapTowards a comprehensive European Union framework on endocrine disruptors”.

Local and regional authorities across Europe are taking action to reduce the daily exposure of citizens to harmful chemicals.

Chemicals that interfere with our hormonal system, also known as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), are especially under scrutiny.

On 26 June, the European Committee of the Regions is likely to adopt an official opinion on the proposal that the European Commission made on the roadmapTowards a comprehensive European Union framework on endocrine disruptors”.

This opinion is expected to highlight some of the initiatives that many EDC-Free Europe partners have launched over the years in partnership with local and regional authorities. These include the "EDC-Free cities and territories" campaign in France and Spain, the cross border "Non-hazardous cities" initiative in the Baltic Region, and the "Pesticides-free towns " in Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, and the Netherlands. 

Many concrete actions have already been adopted by local and regional authorities with the aim to reduce the exposure of their inhabitants to endocrine disrupting chemicals, in order to protect in particular the most vulnerable groups in our society.

To read more about these projects and to find out how you can get involved, check the websites of these EDC-Free Europe partners: